Thursday 15 October 2009

Target Audience

The target audience of a magazine can be easily identified from the front cover. For example a match magazine's target audience is for 7-12 year olds, which is apparent in the colours used, as match magazines used bright eye catching colours like the bright yellows and reds. Also it consists of many pictures on the front cover and the sub contents are scattered all over the page in different colours and different angles; it shows of a young playful side to the magazine therefore it appeals to its target audience and doesn't look too formal and boring for children.

The four four two magazine has an older target audience of teens to young adults. From the front cover alone i know the target audience is older then the match magazine this is due to only one main image and a little one in the top right, whereas the match magazine has images at the bottom down the right and at the top of the page. This shows a more formal approach to four four two's audience. Also the sub contents in the four four two magazine are bold but are just yellow and white other then the match magazines blue yellow black white and red sub contents; they are also on a horizontal angle which doesnt give off a relaxed and young vibe off as the match magazines sub contents do. Laslty both magazines main image cover part of the title i believe this is because they are well known and easily identified despite being covered slightly however since my college magazine is not as popular i have decided not to cover part of my college magazines title.

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