Monday 23 November 2009

Music Magazines

I am now going to compare the conventions of these music magazines: SPIN, VIBE and NME.
The language of the SPIN magazine consists of the masthead in the top left corner of the front page which happens to be slightly covered on both covers. This suggests that the institution of the magazine is a well known company. The colour scheme is also similar as it mainly is a white background however the sub contents vary in colour from pale blue, grey and black to navy blue and black. The main image of these magazine both include a mid shot of the singing artists with a big main sub content highlighting the name of the artist 'Duffy' and the band 'Panic at the disco'.
The institution of SPIN magazines is to inform its audience of the latest music and artists by doing this they have their own website With links on it which include magazine, reviews and news therefore the purpose is to keep people updated on the latest news in the music industry.
The Ideology of the spin magazine is to apeal to a music target audience as the sub contents contain of artists names and band names, also the bright background might connotate artists that are currently in the music lime that.
The audience of the spin magazine will have a strong interest in music and will be around the age of 15-25 because the artists included aim to sell their music to this age group.
The Vibe magazine has a larger masthead which crosses the top of the magazine, unlike the SPIN magazine this masthead doesn't consist of the same colour in each issue as the ones above include a red/black masthead and a pale blue masthead, again the masthead is slightly covered up by the artist on the front showing me that the company is well known and doesn't have to be completely visible to be identified. The main image shot varies aswell from a medium shot to a medium close up, I think this is done because the medium close up shot concentrates more on kanye's west expression looking rather cocky and confident, whereas the medium shot concentrates more on Eminem's body language (arms crossed) showing hes confident. The colour scheme is fairly basic they both have a big white background, with the sub contents in the same colour as the masthead.

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